Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Reflection 5: Talk of the Town—Exploring Local News

In the news landscape, local news is unique. It has, perhaps, the most precise  scope and audience, yet it is among the most important news reported. It is important because it is arguably the news that affects everyday people the most. Sometimes, a region's news concerns stay local. Other times, what concerns New Yorkers can eventually concern Portlanders, Angelinos, even Londoners, as well. For this reflection, pick one metro area from the 100 biggest in the US, outside the Bay Area, and examine 2-3 stories they are currently concerned with. What is this region talking about at the moment? Why is it important to them and might it have any implications for us?


  • MLA Style
  • 250 words (one page)
  • Works cited 

Due: Tue 4.30 (Note Tuesday due date)

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